Anyone who has seen my t-shirt design knows that I love chunky fonts with chunky outlines. One of my favorite fonts is “Chango”, a free font that I’ve used for years. Here is how the creator Fontstage describes it:
Chango is a display face based on letters drawn by Mexican illustrator Ernesto “Chango” García Cabral. It’s big and heavy, ideal for head-line body sizes with a humorous touch.
The only problem I have with Chango is that the counters of the characters do unpredictable things when the outline starts getting exceptionally large. Since I like chunky outlines, I see this a lot and it’s annoying.
I thought it was a problem with the font. Since I recently started using Glyphs Mini, I spent some time cleaning up extra nodes in a copy of the Chango font thinking this would solve the problem. It didn’t.
It turns out that the problem is simply this: I like huge outlines! But if using huge outlines is wrong, I don’t want to be right. So, I set out in search of another solution. It was a lot easier than I thought.
This time, I made a copy of the Chango font and removed all the counters. Now, I use my new “solid” version in a layer below the “regular” version. I apply the chunky border to the solid layer and voila, no weird outlines with the counters because there are no counters!
I suspect that there are others out there like me that like chunky fonts and chunky outlines. Since this font is licensed under the OFL, I will make my modified version available to you, my friends. Download and enjoy!
Note: the OFL prevents me from releasing it under the same name. So, I have named it Chamango Solid. I’m including Chamango Regular. This is the version where I cleaned up the extra nodes. It is basically the same as Chango, but this way you can easily switch your layers between solid and regular.
If you get a chance, let me know how it works for you.
If you need custom lettering, a logo, or a logo with custom lettering, email me!